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“LESS (laparoendoscopic single-site) adrenalectomy is a safe and technically feasible procedure for patients with benign adrenal tumors, and offers cosmetic benefit and the potential for postoperative pain reduction. . . .” |
Excerpt: | “We have since gained experience with the GelPOINTTM device and found it more advantageous for colorectal procedures. Its high outer profile allows use of four or even five trocars with varying degrees of separation to limit clashing and allowing for ample countertraction when needed. In addition, a built in wound protector not only prevents direct contact between the specimen and the abdominal wall, but also secures the port in patients with a high BMI (body mass index) or thick abdominal wall. . . .” |
Excerpt: | “Conclusion: Preliminary data demonstrate that SILC (single-incision laparoscopic colectomy) can be performed safely in selected patients by experienced surgeons.” |
Excerpt: | “In all cases, a GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform (Applied Medical, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA) was employed as sole access to the abdominal cavity. Its GelSeal cap provides additional outer working space and the ability to achieve tissue triangulation even with the standard laparoscopic instrumentation that we routinely use. . . .” |
Excerpt: | “. . . All retraction could be adequately achieved using a single instrument through the GelPoint device and patient positioning. The advantage of the GelPoint device as compared to other single port access devices is that a variable incision size from 2-4 cm can be used depending on the size of the extracted colon. . . .” |
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“. . . We initially used SILS® (Covidien) but converted to GelPoint® (Applied Medical), which is currently our standard single-port device for all transumbilical procedures. . . . “The presented technique uses the transumbilical approach as the primary means of intra-abdominal access with a 5 mm assistance trocar. Although this technique does not correspond to pure SILS (single-incision laparoscopic surgery), this technique achieves all of the cosmetic advantages of the single-incision approach and adds better instrument triangulation as well as very good visualization and exposure. . . .” |
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“. . . SILSG [single incision laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy] has been associated with certain potential advantages, such as improved cosmesis, lower postoperative pain, and fewer wound complications. . . . “In all studies assessing the cosmetic outcome, patients who underwent SILSG [single incision laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy] were significantly more satisfied than those in the LSG [laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy] group. . . .” |
Excerpt: | “Conclusion: LESS (Laparoendoscopic single-site) is feasible, safe, and reproducible in gynecology patients with benign and cancerous conditions. Operative times are reasonable and can be decreased with experience.” |
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“. . . We have found that the advanced access platform (GelPOINT Mini) facilitates triangulation and that flexible instrumentation was not necessary. . . . LESS (Laparoendoscopic single-site) nephrectomy is feasible from infants to adolescents and can be taught to senior trainees with existing conventional laparoscopic experience.” |
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“Although technically challenging, LESS-RDN (right-sided laparoendoscopic single-site donor nephrectomy) in experienced hands can be performed safely and should be considered as an alternative if it is the preferred kidney for transplantation. “. . . The GelPOINT device with 3 trocars in place is inserted into the abdomen and pneumoperitoneum is established. . . . Standard, nonarticulating laparoscopic instruments are used in most of the procedure. . . . “The LESS-RDN surgical technique essentially duplicates standard LDN (laparoscopic donor nephrectomy). . . .” |
Excerpt: | “The use of a specialized umbilical multichannel port may confer specific advantages to the surgeon. In this series the GelPOINT provided greater space for triangulation and, thus, decreased instrument clashing. It also allows easy, rapid modification of port configuration during the procedure, which aids in improving dissection and retraction ergonomics. In this series no extra-umbilical incisions were needed. . . .” |
Excerpt: | “Overall, the TriPort may be more challenging for novices to use in learning the LESS (laparoendoscopic single-site) procedure than either the SILS port or the GelPOINT system. The GelPOINT system may offer the most consistent platform for LESS performance and novice skill acquisition.” |